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Partnership Disputes

Like any failed marriage, sometimes the divorce of a business partnership can be just as messy and emotional as splitting from your spouse, and often more financially detrimental. Whether your partnership was formed on a hand-shake deal with poor documentation, or a family-run business around for generations, at Oppenheim Law we understand that partnership disputes can be both expensive as well as logistically difficult to maneuver for even the most sophisticated business people. Whether you are involved in a shareholder dispute, or looking to dissolve a partnership and go your own way, litigation over partnership disputes involve complex issues including ownership of intellectual property and trade secrets, enforcement of restrictive covenants and non-competition agreements, valuation and multi-faceted financial issues which can quickly make the process seem insurmountable. At Oppenheim Law, we have handled extensive litigation in partnership disputes involving friends, family, and arm’s length transactions and have the necessary skills and acumen to navigate the intricate process of resolving partnership disputes, or ending the partnership.

Should you be involved in a dispute over your partnership or ownership interests in a company, please feel free to contact us online or give us a call at 954-384-6114 and we will be glad to respond to your inquiry.

Oppenheim Law | Florida Commercial Litigation & Partnership Dispute Attorneys
2500 Weston Rd #209
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33331