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Roy Oppenheim Reviews the Great Recession 10-years Later

By Roy Oppenheim on Foreclosure & Real Estate

Roy Oppenheim’s retrospection on the 10 Year Anniversary of the Great Recession. Discusses his thoughts on the Great Recession, what has changed and what hasn’t changed.

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South Florida Law Blog: Roy Oppenheim’s retrospection on the 10 Year Anniversary of the Great Recession

Partial Transcript:
Hi, Roy Oppenheim here, real estate attorney, foreclosure defense attorney, and legal blogger
for the South Florida Law blog. Folks have been asking me recently what my thoughts are about the 10-year anniversary of the Great Recession and the foreclosure crisis. And I’ve given some thought, and we’ve done a little writing, and I wanted to share real quickly with you about some things that I think that have changed and those things that I think have not changed in the past 10 years.

And the number one thing that I think has changed is that there are a lot more people renting today than are buying as a percentage of the entire population. And of those folks who are renting, many people are renting from a new investment class of folks who are buying homes, Wall Street hedge funds, other groups, professional groups that are buying homes and renting