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Do Real Estate Lawyers Go To Court?

By OPLawSocialMedia on Real Estate

Do Real Estate Lawyers Go To Court?

A crazy question we get sometimes is, do real estate attorneys go to court? And so, no, they’re real estate attorneys. They don’t go to court.

Well, let me tell you a little story. Before the economic crisis of 10 years ago, I would have said, “No, real estate attorneys do not go to court typically.” Well, today many real estate attorneys are very familiar with going to court, because they’ve had to go to court to defend their friends, their family, their clients. In foreclosure defenses, that just, you know, literally became almost like a cancer in this nation, you know, in the past decade.

Do Real Estate Lawyers Go To Court?

Do Real Estate Lawyers Go To Court?

Should Real Estate Attorneys Know How To Go To Court?

And so, today, my feeling is, any good real estate attorney should feel comfortable going to court. They should know how to go to court, they should not be going to court for the first time, and they should be comfortable at the courthouse. Should they be going to court every day? No, but the idea that you just have a real estate attorney who doesn’t understand the legal system or the court system, I think those days, to a large extent, are over because of what happened during the economic crisis, the Great Recession of the past decade.

So, the answer is, good real estate attorneys should know how to go to court.

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2500 Weston Rd #404
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33331