Paragard IUD Lawsuit
By Roy Oppenheim on Class Actions
Is there a class action lawsuit against Paragard? Learn About the Paragard IUD Lawsuit with Roy Oppenheim.
Teva Pharmaceuticals is currently the only manufacturer to produce a non-hormonal IUD called Paragard.
Settled Cases Paragard IUD:
Although there is yet to be a class action suit regarding Paragard, two cases against Teva Pharmaceuticals cases have already been settled, so do not hesitate in taking action.
If you have had a Paragard IUD implanted, and either had the Paragard IUD arm break, have had the IUD removed entirely or been advised to do so by a medical professional, or been advised that it will not be possible to remove the IUD for the next 10 years, you may qualify for financial compensation. It is also worth noting that pregnancies can still happen while using a Paragard IUD, even if it is extremely rare.
Our team at Oppenheim Law recognizes the emotional impact these complications can have on families and individuals. That is why our firm provides a team of professionals committed to zealously represent our clients. Please feel free to contact us at (954) 384-6114 so we can inform you of your legal rights so you may obtain the compensation to which you are entitled. Learn More: Paragard Lawsuit