Nursing Home Lawsuits
By OPLawSocialMedia on Elder Abuse
Nursing Home Lawsuits: Full transcript
Hi, this is attorney Roy Oppenheim. We have decided to start, once again, representing families whose loved ones are in nursing homes and where they have experienced clear and negligent care and have unfortunately been injured in some cases even have died. Because of such lack of care of the kinds of injuries that we’re talking about are bedsores, falls, broken bones, and occasionally death. In fact, years ago, I represented someone in a home that unfortunately had escaped from the facility and wandered off into a lake on the premises that had not been properly gated and the doors had not been properly alarmed. So there was no opportunity to save him. There are all kinds of horrific stories that we all hear. But your loved ones and you are entitled to compensation when companies and these nursing homes don’t do the right thing in protecting your loved ones.
There are only some states that we’re actually representing folks in right now. I’m gonna give you the list. It’s California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas. We’ll have this also on the website. But again, if you have a loved one that’s been injured or harmed or unfortunately died…and bedsores is a terrible thing, by the way, that should never ever happen in a nursing home, but it does. So you only have a one-year statute of limitations in most of these states. So if this happens, you can’t, like, wait and see, and wanna sit on it. You need to call us immediately. 954-384-6114. Again, Roy Oppenheim, 954-384-6114. Have a great day. And again, if you need us, we’re here for you anytime. Thank you.