4 Biggest Takeaways in Foreclosure Law
Tue Oct 8, 2013 by Roy Oppenheim on News & Press Releases
While presenting at “A View from the Bench” conference along with the Daily Business Review (DBR), I was able to interact with judges, attorneys and homeowners regarding the state of foreclosure law.
To lay out the most important things to remember (feel free to quote, tweet or share) here are the –
4 Biggest Takeaways From “A View from the Bench” Regarding Foreclosure Law Matters
- We are literally preserving the integrity of the judicial system. No different than when a criminal defendant is set free due to a Miranda violation.
- We are dealing with people’s property; a home, a highly constitutionally protected right. Protected by the Fourth Amendment as well the 14th Amendment relating to due process.
- How sad and ironic that our own circuit’s new local practice rules has to remind lawyers of the fact that the rules of civil procedure and evidence still apply to foreclosure cases. When did they not?
- Lore vs Law. Our job, all of us… is to make sure we run our courthouse by the rules of law and not some unwritten lore.
Entire Article:
“A few good men and women along with judges, defense foreclosure attorneys and homeowners enjoy lively discussions in court” – South Florida Law Blog http://bit.ly/15Eida7
P.S. Thank you for coming out!
In the Trenches,
Roy Oppenheim